Learn how to style & shoot mouth-watering
food photography!

Beautiful Food Photography


✔  4 x PDF Lessons With Pullbacks & Examples
✔   Detailed Set-ups and How-Tos
✔   Hands On Challenges To Shoot
✔   Watch Naomi Edit for Light & Airy/ Dark & Moody Styles

Have you ever looked at cookbook or magazine images and thought 'how do they make the food look THAT delicious?'

Well Naomi is here to teach us how! During this workshop, CLG Mentor Naomi Sherman will take us behind the scenes to share all her secrets for, lighting, shooting and editing food photography images so they look amazing.  We'll be covering set-ups, styling tips and fun creative techniques to get shots that will surprise you.

This is an online, hands-on workshop designed to help you pick up your camera and push yourself creatively, to try new skills or polish up your existing skills in a positive and fun learning environment... and while we're all stuck at home, food and produce is the perfect subject to play with!

Learn how to style & shoot mouth-watering
food photography!

The perfect at-home workshop:

4 x  Pdf Lessons.  These beautifully written lessons include images examples and pull backs to explain the theories and techniques to how to shoot this style of photography.

Editing Videos & Live Q&A  Naomi shares how she edits for different styles - light & Airy /Dark and Moody. With presets and by hand! You also get 2 hours of recorded Q&A sessions!

Themed hands-on challenges each week so that you can get out and play with the concepts and lessons taught and put into practice the skills you're discovering. 

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In 2014, while suffering from a raging case of empty nest syndrome, Naomi Sherman discovered Click Love Grow.

Living in the beautiful Island State of Tasmania she fully intended to become a landscape photographer... but much to her surprise, she fell in love with the genre of food photography... starting with a simple tart she photographed during the Advanced Course in 2015. 

She now works full-time as a recipe developer and food photographer for a number of major international food blogs.

Naomi  was awarded Foodelia’s Top 10 food photographer in 2019 and was a finalist in the Food Photographer of the Year Awards, in the Food Portraiture category. Her  work has been featured in magazines such as Delicious, Women’s Weekly Food and GQ and in 2019 she self-published her cookbook, Edible Heirlooms, which has already won an international publishing award.

your Photography Mentor

CLG Mentor Naomi Sherman