JOIN THe Workshop

The Memory Keeper


Are you a photographer who loves capturing memories for your family?  

This workshop will show you how to capture the heart of your family's everyday life, and explore meaningful ways to share and preserve it for future generations.

STARTS: 5th August 2024

Brand New Photography Workshop:

✔️ Move beyond simple snapshots and create images that tell rich, emotional stories

✔️ Learn methods to enhance the narrative within each frame

✔️ Get your photos off the computer to create year books, day-in-the-life books, legacy boxes and more with Ali's guidance

✔️ Adopt an easy archiving process as part of your routine, to ensure your photos are organised, safe and accessible for future generations

Master the art of storytelling for your family, and create a visual legacy that will be cherished for generations.

In this workshop you will...

The Memory Keeper

This brand new workshop will be your guide to preserving your family's history in meaningful ways that stand the test of time. You'll find inspiration and practical tips to level up your storytelling game and capture visually powerful images.

Our workshop begins with a personal story from Ali: the discovery of photo albums from the 1890s. These photos contained captions from a great-grandfather never met, which revealed connections and stories that transcended time. They contrasted sharply with another set of family photos, lovely but lacking the depth and context that transform snapshots into stories.

This motivates and inspires Ali to capture moments with powerful narratives, so future generations can understand her family’s story without words.

She's also dedicated to a regular routine of archiving and printing, to ensure her photos are organised, safely preserved, and printed in tangible ways so her family can enjoy them.

Join Our All New Workshop:


Ali Vrbas is a professional photographer passionate about creating a tradition of rich, vivid tales with powerful storytelling images that can be passed down through the generations.

Live Q&A Session

Community support

In our live FB group during the workshop you get access to Ali for a full month to ask questions and be guided, but you'll also have the support of other students taking part live! 

In week 3, you get to join a live call with Ali to ask her anything on your mind.

Through pdf lessons, BTS shooting videos, gallery walk-throughs and other visual aids, along with her step-by-step guide to designing a photobook, Ali will guide you to become a true memory keeper for your family.

Video & Pdf Lessons

You Also Get:

You love capturing your family's story in beautiful photos, and you're ready to fully embrace the role of Memory Keeper

We all love snapping our family's everyday moments, milestones and special events so they're not forgotten in years to come. But being our family's memory keeper comes with a little more responsibility than taking the photos and saving them to our computer. 

The role of Memory Keeper involves sharing the images in tangible ways so you (and your Insta followers) are not the only ones getting to enjoy them.

Studies show children who see themselves in photos with their family regularly, develop a strong sense of belonging, and in turn a healthy sense of self esteem.

And while that's important on its own, your images are also a gift for future generations so they can understand their own family history, and your family story.

But we get it. In this digital age we can take thousands of photos a year, so it's natural when it comes to organising them, we get overwhelmed and the task lives in the later basket until our hard drive is one hot mess, and nothing gets edited let alone printed!

In this workshop, Ali's will share her approach for capturing images that have strong narratives, and visually powerful compositions.

She'll also teach you an archiving process you can adopt as a regular routine keep those photos safe, backed up, easy to find, and printed in fun and meaningful ways so your kids - and their kids and grandkids and great grandkids - can enjoy them as family heirlooms to be treasured.

(And no more overwhelm!).

Preserve the Moments that will Evoke Memories, Spark Conversations & Bridge the Gap Between Generations.

You love telling your family story in images and you want to embrace the role of memory keeper in a more concrete way

You want to create stronger narratives in your images and move beyond the snapshot feel

You'd love to do something creative with all those reels on your phone!

You feel overwhelmed by the task of organising your images and you want a system that is manageable and keeps your photos safe

You want to be inspired to print your images in fun ways that your family will love

You love all our workshops and can't resist taking another to add to your library!

How does it work?

Ali is known for her documentary style captures of her family with eye-catching visuals and strong narratives that give us a good sense of who her family is and what they're about.

She's passionate about her role as her family's memory keeper, and she can't wait to share her entire process, including the archiving system that keeps her photos safe. Plus you'll dive into all the fun ways she prints them so that her children can learn about their family, just as she did as a child thumbing through the albums of long ago relatives.

She's also going to share how she approaches her day-in-the-life documentary sessions for clients, and she'll teach you step-by-step how to design and print a beautiful year-in-the-life photobook for your family.

When you join this workshop lessons and videos will be released weekly, with BTS shooting videos, examples, explanations, and other visual guides... and most importantly hands-on challenges to get out and shoot.

Best of all you'll be part of an online group working through the lessons together, with instructor support from Ali and the group... to share your images, ask questions, and be inspired by your Click Love Grow community.

Is this workshop for you?

Do I need any special equipment?

A camera you can use in manual mode and any lenses you already have will enable you to participate in the lessons and try the challenges. 



Will this teach me camera settings and how to shoot in manual mode?

While we will talk about the best settings specific to the different shots Ali will share with you, it won't cover the step-by-step for how the elements of the exposure triangle work together or how to shoot confidently in manual mode. If you're not there yet, check out our Enthusiast Photography Course.



But I know you have some questions...

You Don't Want to Miss Adding This to Your CLG Collection!

Get your photos off that hard drive and into beautiful heirlooms your children (and their children!) can hold and learn from!

Ali is a passionate about printing photos, and she's going to give you projects that make it fun and something you'll want to do year after year (after year).


Hi, I'm Ali. I'm a lifestyle photographer in the Seattle area specializing in newborn, maternity, and family photo sessions with a real life spin.

I live in the Pacific North Western, raising my two kids (11&7) amongst the shores of the Puget Sound and the tall foggy forests nearby.

My past life as an elementary school educator equipped me with the ability to engage young children and families effortlessly during photo sessions.

Thanks to Click Love Grow I traded that calling for photography, running Sound Roots Photography.

I treasure documenting life and preserving fleeting moments before they fade from our memories. With each photograph I aim to tell the tales of life's journey, especially owning the job of memory keeper, family documentarian, and visual storyteller.

Your Photography Mentor

CLG Mentor Ali Vrbas

Join now!

Are You Ready to Embrace the Role of Memory Keeper as Your Family's  Documentarian and Visual Storyteller?

4 weeks of hands on lessons, BTS shooting videos, gallery walk throughs and other visual aids, fun printing projects, inspiring community and the push you need to take your photography to new heights?




Affordable Split Pay

3 x Payments of $65

Single Payment

Join Monthly

Enjoy access to this one PLUS every creative workshop we run for a whole YEAR!

Pay in Full 

Huge 50% SAVING off regular price of workshops

Includes bonuses in every workshop PLUS your yearly CLG Magazine - totally free!



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