Learn how to start from the very beginning in Photoshop to enhance your images and have fun with editing!

Discovering Photoshop


✔  Detailed PDF Lessons
✔   32 Editing Videos and Full Image Edit Examples
✔   Step By Step on every tool you need to begin
✔   Detailed Q&As with Emma

Photoshop is a big ole' confusing program...BUT you only need to know a HANDFUL of tools to bring light, colour, fun and magic into your photos...  

& this workshop will teach you how!

CLG Mentor & Instructor Emma Davis has been using Photoshop for over 15yrs and in this video workshop she'll be showing you exactly which tools you need, with step by step instructions on the techniques you need to bring the magic alive in your images.

You'll get to WATCH HER EDIT on screen, and learn exactly how she uses layers, masks, overlays and more to create gorgeous results. 

Do you open Photoshop only to feel overwhelmed & confused....

But you KNOW it could create magic
if only you knew how?

4 x Weeks of Video Lessons.  These video lessons are broken down into multiple short, easy to follow videos and are full of practical and easy to apply techniques. 

Live Q&A + Watch Me Edit Videos. Enjoy Emma's 32 editing videos and full image edit examples plus you'll also get access to our recorded Q&A session.

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Themed editing challenges each week so that you can get out and play with the concepts and lessons taught and put into practice the skills you're discovering. 


Emma Davis is an amateur photographer and CLG Instructor based in Sydney, Australia. Emma is mum to 6 kids and uses her photography skills to record their lives and capture beautiful and creative documentary style images. 

Emma has been using Photoshop for over 15yrs, learning the tool during her career in journalism and digital media. She combined these skills when she leapt into photography, and took our Advanced Photography Course in early 2019. 

Your Photography Mentor

CLG Mentor Emma Davis

This was one of our MOST Popular Workshops Last Year!

Here's what our students had to say...