This is a guest post from the fabulous Gray Tham, an award winning accredited children’s photographer (and mama to three!). Gray is the talent behind Simply Gray Photography .Throughout her professional photographer career, she has photographed hundreds of children and families in Melbourne, Australia and throughout the United States from her sometimes-home base of New […]
How Do You Do Light Painting? Have you ever wondered what is light painting mode or how do you capture photos with sparklers? Paint photography is a super fun effect which uses slow shutter speeds to capture the trail of a light source. It looks fantastic, and… it’s easier to achieve than you might think! […]
A Weekly Highlights Reel of Inspiration! This week’s highlights reel is a celebration of our Macro Flower Photography Creative Workshop, which just wrapped up last week! Over the last 4 weeks our workshop students were taken behind the scenes by macro floral expert Mel Champion, where they learned how to capture beautifully crisp, detailed and […]
Our Weekly Highlights Reelof Inspiration! The very exciting and unexpected discovery about macro photography, back when I first started exploring the genre, was the fact it opened up a whole new world of photo options. The reason this was so exciting for me was because I was a mum, and my kids were still young […]
Today’s post is 2-fold! I’ve had lots of people asking recently about how I got started in photography, and about my journey to here… so I wanted to share! And seccondly, I’ve noticed a lot of conversations amongst our students that one of the biggest challenges they’re facing… it’s not what shutter speed to choose… but the curse […]
How to Capture a Starburst in Your Photos Have you ever wondered how to create a starburst in your photos? Or maybe you’ve taken some accidentally, and you’re not sure how to do it again, on purpose? It adds an awesome sparkle to a photo and can become the focal point of your composition… whether that’s including […]
A Real Estate Photography Guide There’s no substitute for beautiful professional real estate photos when you’re trying to sell your home. When I’ve been house hunting, I flick straight past a listing if I can see the photos are really poor quality. Even though I know the photos aren’t necessarily an indicator of the home […]
Advanced Photography Course Customer Stories When it comes to our Advanced Photography Course, one of the most asked questions we get asked is… “I don’t want to be a professional photographer… is it for me?”. If you’re a creative soul at heart… having an art thing that you can be good at is immeasurably good […]
A Fun Project to Display Your Photos What do you do with your photos at home? Do you have a photo display proudly on show in most rooms of your home? Or are they tucked away on a hard drive somewhere, forgotten because the mere thought of wading through thousands of photos fills you with […]
Be Prepared & Nail Your Baptism Photos! So you’ve been asked to handle the baptism photography. Exciting! That’s until you start thinking about the challenges… a dark church being the predominant fear! Then come the questions many of you ask. “How do you take the best pictures of a baptism” or “How do you photograph […]