Why Comparing Yourself Will Suck the Joy out of Photography

Our Advanced Photography Course is a group program, focused on 1:1 support and in-depth lessons designed to push you out of your comfort zone and help you expand your technical skills.   

Our next course will be held March 2025.



  1. Julie Kelly says:

    Great article. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Trinity says:

    Oh my goodness. Yes, so much comparison angst and where does it get me?! Nowhere! So I try and get out with other photographer friends who are supportive (although miles ahead of me) of me and help me learn. 🙂

    Thanks for this post. Very relevant.

  3. Raelene Hall says:

    Hi Pam
    great article and so very very important. I know I do this all the time and really have to try to be conscious of it as it can totally destroy your confidence and motivation.
    Thanks for the reminder.

  4. Tracy Winning says:

    Oh thank you! This article made me laugh. Its so true. We forget that every shot we take is one step closer to our Personal Best. Having said that, if I ever achieve that, it will mean I have stopped trying and learning. Happy to have my PB just out of reach….

  5. Michelle Dhillon says:

    🙂 thank you for sharing your experiences, Seeing all the beautiful images in lesson submissions had me feeling a bit like i jumped in the pool with some much more experienced swimmers, I know i can create beautiful images in auto but your article makes me want to quit comparing and just get on with the joy of discovering my talents with practice in manual. I’ve been forcing myself to put my photography dreams aside for years and watched friends take it up as hobbyists and make careers for themselves, something i’ve always wanted to pursue. My children have high health expenses that have had to come first of course so i guilt tripped myself out of continuing, but i’m not happy without a camera in hand for long so i’m back in and keen to learn and progress daily.

  6. Leah Benoit says:

    Thank you Pam for sharing your journey. I can certainly relate to your words of wisdom. At least now I can critique my photographs realizing what I’ve right and what I’ve done wrong and how to improve the end results. Seeing the other students’ images they’ve captured during the Enthusiasts Course has been inspiring and creative in respect of my own photography skills (or lack of them). I don’t think that I have felt disheartened by comparing my photos to others but more so encouraged to improve my own skills to achieve similar results.

    In reviewing my earlier photos I can see how far I have travelled already on my photographic journey.

  7. Vaun says:

    Very interesting article! I understand the danger of comparison, and so far I don’t think it has been an issue for me. But I have observed the problem with some friends in various photography groups.

  8. Louise Dobson says:

    I’ve read this before…..but returned to it again today as I’m having a funky moment, as you describe it. Thank you so much for sharing.

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