“Learn the rules like a pro so you can break them like an artist”, said Pablo Picasso. Pablo was referring to the rules of art… but what does that statement even mean? If we break the rules, won’t the image just be wrong? That’s what I used to ask myself! But one day it made […]

5 Photography Rules You Should Break!

How to Take Perfect Sunset Silhouette Photos

sunset silhouettes on the beach

The Art Of Taking Amazing Sunset Silhouette Photos Have you ever looked at an incredible sunset silhouette photo and wondered how to take one yourself? The secret to getting crisp, beautiful silhouette images involves a lot more than simply exposing for your sky.  How and where you choose to place your subjects, or how little […]

I’ve decided to update this post in honour of Mother’s Day that is just around the corner – and as a challenge to all of us, to jump into photos with our kids! Because you love photography and taking photos right? Making memories of the holidays, recording a day’s outing, or capturing a lazy sunday at […]

How to jump in your own photos!

My Journey to Here

Today’s post is 2-fold! I’ve had lots of people asking recently about how I got started in photography, and about my journey to here… so I wanted to share! And seccondly, I’ve noticed a lot of conversations amongst our students that one of the biggest challenges they’re facing… it’s not what shutter speed to choose… but the curse […]

    Recently I was staying at my parents’ for a long visit, and I didn’t have all my usual go-to locations for taking simple and sweet portraits of my kids! Which is a common dilemma… what do you do when you don’t know where to shoot, you have no plain walls, and you’re stuck for ideas! So […]

Behind the Scenes Portrait Locations at Home

Grad Feature {Alison Britten}

I can’t believe it’s almost two years ago since we first chatted to Click Love Grow Graduate, Alison Britten, fresh out of our Enthusiast and Advanced Photography Courses she shared with us her progress and journey so far in 2014!  Back then her photography goal was to get out of auto… and it’s fair to say […]

Have you heard the terms RAW and JPG when it comes to photography? Quite simply, they’re different file formats, and we have the choice to shoot in one or the other…. so which do we choose, and is one better than the other?   1. What is JPG and RAW? JPG JPG is the format […]


CLG Grad Community Stories {Cottesloe, Western Australia}

Community learning photography

We LOVE sharing our CLG Grad Stories with you… we’re so lucky to have some of the most lovely and amazing women as part of our community AND talented to boot! Our Click Love Grow Story this week is shared by Humera, Julie, Annik, Laurel, Zara and Veraine, all Click Love Grow graduates from the […]

Metering is a term that gets thrown around a lot in photography and “do I need to meter?” is a question most photography enthusiasts ask at some point early on. When I was learning, I could never find any articles that explained it in terms I understood (ie. without the jargon!). What is Metering? Metering […]

What is Metering?

Grad Community Stories {Mount Wellington, Tasmania, Australia}

photography lessons for women

  Can you tell by now how amazingly proud we are of our Grads and how much we love our ongoing community!  I think facebook needs to add a “beaming chest” emoji, I think I’d give it a fair work-out! But once our courses finish up, our students don’t go it alone, they jump over […]