We mamas don’t get in photos with our kids often enough. It’s true we’re usually on the other side of the camera, but we often have a variety of other excuses as well… I haven’t done my hair, I don’t have any make up on, I don’t have time, I’m wearing an ugly t-shirt, I look tired… I get it, I really do (I do it myself!).
But in years to come when our kids are grown and looking through family photos, do you want them to wonder “where was mum?”. It does take a little more effort to get in the frame, but you don’t have to do it every day, and it’s so worth the effort to set aside some time even just once a month and have a little fun with it at the same time.
So today our wonderful CLG Grads are getting in the frame with their little ones, in the hope of inspiring you to do the same! Check out this beautiful collection of self portraits, aaand then check out our blog post to learn how to do it properly with the big camera!
Related: DIY Family Photos; How to Look Great in Self Portraits; Where Are You in Your Family Photos?;

Amanda Marenghi, Enthusiast Grad

Sam Maker, Advanced Grad

Becca Lord-Lyon, CLG Instructor

Charlie O’Neill, Advanced Grad

Tandra Nicole, Enthusiast Grad

Bek Alexander, Advanced Grad

Rachel Lawler, Enthusiast Grad

Bek Alexander, Advanced Grad

Beth Hayes, Grad

Christie Veen, Advanced Grad

Bek Alexander, Advanced Grad

Lauren Sunnen, Enthusiast Grad

Sam Maker, Advanced Grad

Sue Thorn, Advanced Grad – image of Emma Davis, CLG Instructor

Morvern Shaw, Advanced Grad

Jennifer Magnuson, Advanced Grad

Ebony Scott, Advanced Grad

Danielle Anderson, Enthusiast Grad

Sarah Jane, Advanced Grad

Heidi Talic, Advanced Grad

Irene Gutierrez, Enthusiast Grad

Jessica Skarlupka, Advanced Grad

Suyong Pak, Advanced Grad

Kirsty Nealon, Advanced Grad

Jess Stoakes, Advanced Grad

Kailey Nagymarosi, Advanced Grad

Megan Rutherford, Advanced Grad

Nicole Suter-Johnson, Advanced Grad

Pam Thorne-Gosenheimer, Advanced Grad

Suyong Pak, Advanced Grad

Sara Sparrey, Advanced Grad

Sue Thorn, Advanced Grad

Subah A. Sinha, Enthusiast Grad

Lisa O’Doherty, Enthusiast Grad

Vicki Cardilini, Advanced Grad

Nicoleta Philpot, Enthusiast Grad

Pam Hart, Advanced Grad
Join my new workshop and learn Simple Steps For Taking Pro-Quality Photos of Your Kids & Family…and it’s totally FREE to join! Register here…
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