I’ve decided to update this post in honour of Mother’s Day that is just around the corner – and as a challenge to all of us, to jump into photos with our kids!
Because you love photography and taking photos right?
Making memories of the holidays, recording a day’s outing, or capturing a lazy sunday at home… but would anyone ask….where are you?
Are you so busy capturing everyone else that you forget to jump in yourself?
Cute Family – But where are YOU?
I’ve been so guilty of this!
Entire family holidays where you could safely assume a spunky single dad is off having a great trip away with his kids, because I haven’t made a single appearance in the photos…

As a photographer, and especially as a photographer of women, I KNOW there are times that you didn’t simply forget to be in that photo…
You forgot to wear mascara, you’re waiting to shift some weight, or the top you wore today is a little daggy!?
Sound about right?
Well I’m sorry to say, but it’s time to jump in and make sure your family aren’t asking in years to come: “Where was she?” (or even worse, not asking at all? eek!)
Your family love you, and they deserve the photo memories of their mum/sister/daughter!
So, Time to Jump In…
I’ve put together some fun tips to help get you in front of the camera & more importantly ensure no-one asks for your husband’s phone number next time he shares your awesome holiday snaps of him and the kids!
#1 Set-it Up & Hand it Over!
Whether to a friend, a passing stranger… or go grab your closest neighbour!
Sometimes you have to hand the camera over so that you’re in the family photo too! Most times it’s not all that difficult to do, or ask… you just have to remember and make it a priority to jump in front.
You can set up a shot, pop the settings in that you’d like and ask a someone to help you out.
And most importantly ask them to take LOTS of photos… you might get some fun in-between moments!

… before the shot that you LOVE!
I’m also not ashamed to say that I have literally knocked on the next door neighbour’s door because we’ve been dressed up and we desperately needed an updated family photo… so don’t be shy!
People love to help!
#2 Use a Timer!
Ok so for this one you’ll need a tripod and some running legs! (or a remote…)
This is the same premise as above… pop your family into place, take some test shots… then hit that 10 sec shutter and jump into the photo!
Again, you’re going to get some hilarious out-takes.. so accept that as the case rather than create stress!
Let everyone know you’re going to have some fun and don’t do it when you’re pressed for time and/or are anxious about the end result! If you make it a fun event with your kids I can guarantee they’ll have fun too!
Especially when Mumma is kinda looking a little crazy running from camera into the shot – my kids giggled at me the whole time we did this!
Tech Tip: Find the timer setting on your camera and use the 10sec mode. Ensure that you set your aperture suitably high and then focus on someone in the middle of the group, so that when you jump in too you’ll be nice and in focus too.
You can also use a remote if you have one, or if your camera is enabled you can probably use an app on your phones (isn’t there an app for everything these days… here’s one I found, but haven’t used myself)

My friend Kerry set up this shot with her camera on a tripod and used the timer function. The trick is to set up your shot exactly as you’d like it (notice how she’s positioned the camera nice and low to include the beautiful lush grass), focus on your subject who you’ve pre-placed, then you have 10 secs to run into place and smile!!
Kerry said her biggest challenge was getting the gorgeous Keiko to look at the camera at the right time, but I’d say it was definitely worth it!!

#3 Do a Photo-shoot Swap with a Friend
Do you have photography friends? Why not swap shoots with each other… then it becomes a win-win with having some fun, practicing your skills and getting gorgeous photos of your families!
Let each other know there’s no stress to take the pressure off, and keep it fun! You can even hand over each other’s cameras so you can just go home and edit your own shots!
I once did this with a photographer friend in Adelaide and have some photos of myself and hubby that I LOVE and would never have captured otherwise!
#4 Get Creative… (or go a little crazy)
So our family kind of has a photo theme/ corny tradition for our photos… It makes us smile, the kids love joining in, and it gives us an excuse to take photos with all of us in it! It works for a holiday, or an outing, or at any particular time where we think it’ll be a fun idea!
I have no doubts your family could think up a better one than ours… but this is us 

#5 Hire a Pro
Another great idea is to hire a professional photographer!
Find a photographer who’s work you really love!!
Great pro photographers will give you a fantastic experience, they’ll help you pick outfits, take you to great locations, shoot in beautiful light and most importantly they’ll make sure you’re relaxed and look your best!
It’s such a treat to enjoy having a pro take gorgeous portraits of your family – and it’s an investment that you’ll always look back on and love.
#6 Embrace the Selfie
And finally… you know, sometimes you just have to run with a Selfie!
There’s nothing more awesome than having fun with your kids, and show me a kid who doesn’t love a pouty selfie with their Mama!

Want to Learn More!!
Check out our Enthusiast Photography Course for 8 weeks of hands-on, online training and instructor support to help you master your camera and take photos you LOVE!
Great tips Louise. I love that gorgeous shot of your family above.
Thanks Peta! I’m still meaning to get it printed BIG – hehe, must must do that!
So true Lou!
I wrote about something similar when we finally had our photos taken ( and had also battled a few mums that had hired me and STILL wanted to hide!
http://hbfotografic.blogspot.com.au/2012/05/lifestyle-photography-what-is-melbourne.html Xx
Thanks so much Lea – I LOVE the photos of your family, and it is a bit scary jumping in front – but SO important like you say! Xx
Thank you for this article. I do hide because I don’t want to be in the photo. I am overweight and don’t want to have a record of how awful I look. Never thought that the family are missing out of seeing me in the photos with them.
Down to earth article.
Love the practical suggestions too
Ha! I LOVE your out takes on the beach. And Ollie’s socks-and-sandles combo…hilaire!
Louise I love these! Especially the holiday one, I wish I did more of this! You have inspired me
Can’t wait to see them! Xx We’re heading away this weekend and I’m determined to keep the photos up!