Does this sound familiar? You’ve mastered manual mode You can take a good photo You’re ready to elevate your creativity to take amazing photos You’re thinking about joining the Advanced Photography Course… …but you’re sitting on the fence Antje Whyte is a Click Love Grow Grad who was in that exact place just last year. […]

Click Love Grow Students – Artist Spotlight on Antje Whyte

Click Love Grow Students – Artist Spotlight on Elizabeth Marie

kid girl red dress negative space water rocks beach portrait

Are you the memory keeper in your family? Let’s talk about something we all know too well – that feeling of frustration when we look at the photos we’ve taken. You know the drill… you snap away, trying to capture those beautiful family moments, but when you scroll through your images, something’s missing. They’re good… […]

Imagine a career that fills your creative cup and gives you the freedom to be present in your children’s lives whenever you want to be, and whenever they need you. There’s a few reasons why women join the Advanced Photography Course. Most join because they want to take amazing photos, they want to fill their […]

Click Love Grow Students – Artist Spotlight on Emilie King

Click Love Grow Grads – Artist Spotlight on Coral Hagan

Can you imagine being so excited by the photos you’re taking, you can’t wait to get home and edit them? And what about having the confidence and skills to know exactly what you need to do to get photos that match your vision, in any situation? That’s what Coral Hagan got out of the Advanced […]

Word of mouth is the single most powerful way to share how great our photography courses are… and for that reason we love sharing our Grad’s photography stories and delighting in their images! So today in our continuing series of customer stories I’m delighted to introduce you to Tandra! Read on to learn exactly what […]

Click Love Grow Students – Artist Spotlight on Tandra Hull

The Photography Course That Works – Subah Sinha, Student

I remember when I got my first “good” camera. It was pretty exciting because I had a baby girl and I planned to take beautiful photos of her as she grew… but the excitement turned to frustration very quickly when that camera didn’t produce the images I expected it to. At first I wondered if […]

Some of our students come to us having never picked up a camera before, with absolutely zero knowledge of photography. But most of our students find their way to Click Love Grow because they have been taking photos for a little while and have become frustrated with the limitations of auto mode and the blurry, […]

Click Love Grow Grads – Artist Spotlight On Lauren Sunnen

2024 Featured Artists Reel #18 – Our Fave Grad Photos

Welcome to our weekly highlights reel of Featured Artists! Each week we showcase a collection of our favourite images taken by the talented Click Love Grow Students and Grads from our Online Photography Courses & Workshops. Congrats to our featured artists this week: Ali Vrbas, Angie Schmitzer, Arielle Summerfield, Bec Nave, Connie Rac, Devon Margaret-Ann, […]

For those of us with an artistic streak that has been inside us for a lot longer than we’ve been mothers, we know the feeling of being too busy and craving time for a creative outlet. But that’s the beauty of photography… even if you’ve only got 5 minutes, you can fill your cup without […]

A Creative Outlet for Busy Mums: Kate McKenna, Student

2024 Featured Artists Reel #15 – Our Fave Grad Photos

Welcome to our weekly highlights reel of Featured Artists! Each week we showcase a collection of our favourite images taken by the talented Click Love Grow Students and Grads from our Online Photography Courses & Workshops. Congrats to our featured artists this week: Michele Scott, Amanda Marenghi, Carla Goldschmidt, Daniela Bucy, Deb Signorelli, Emma Kirk, […]