Get Out of Your Comfort Zone
and Explore Magical Light
Did you know at Click Love Grow our courses don’t end with the last lesson?
Once our students graduate, they get to join our amazing graduates group. We’re so proud of our community, which not only gives our grads a safe and positive space to continue their learning and enjoy the support and inspiration of like minded women… it has also been the birth place of many strong friendships that have spilled over into the real world.
Each fortnight we run a themed photo challenge, and the most recent was Magical Light.
We’d love to share all the fabulous entries, but in this instance that would mean uploading 98 photos!
So here’s a tiny handful… gorgeous aren’t they? Check out our technical tips too!
Light Pockets
A pocket of light in an otherwise dark area is a perfect place to put your subject, as they will really pop off the dark surroundings.
Meter for the highlights and achieve a lovely low key exposure.
CLICK HERE to download our guide to metering modes to help you know which mode will help achieve the best exposure for your shot

Like this starburst effect? It’s all about aperture… the narrower your aperture, the sharper the starburst. Head here for the exact recipe…
Related: How to Capture a Starburst

Anna Menendez
See those tiny circles of light forming a stunning backdrop in Melissa’s photo?
It’s called bokeh, and you can create it too, even if you only have an entry level DSLR with kit lens.
Related: Capture Bokeh…Even With a Kit Lens
Shadow Play
We often talk about using soft light to create flattering portraits, but that doesn’t mean hard light is the enemy!
But use it mindfully, like Kailey has done here by using the shadow patterns to her creative advantage. Expose for the highlights in this kind of light.
Related: Shadow Play Tutorial
More gorgeous hard light shadows in this shot by Lena Castro, and this time free lensed for a dreamy feel!
If you want to try this creative and (some will say) addictive shooting technique, our grad Toni Laws is all over it.
Related: How to Free Lens

Lena Castro
Twinkle Lights
For this kind of shot, focus on something closer to you than the lights, and use a wide open aperture (small f stop number).
Want to create a shot like this or a twinkle light portrait? Check out our twinkle light tutorial which breaks down what settings to use, and how to set up (includes pull back shots!).
Related: Twinkle Light Photos

Molly Lenarz
Golden Hour
For some really magical light, try shooting in the golden hour. That’s the time of day just after sunrise and just before sunset.
The sun is really low in the sky and the horizon acts as a diffuser to soften the sun’s rays and often gives a gorgeous golden hue.
If these magical light images have inspired you to learn more, head here for a post that talks about settings and positioning when shooting in the golden hour.
Related: Golden Hour Photography

Merissa Wakefield
Sunset Silhouette
A fun creative shot to try is a sunrise or sunset silhouette like this stunning shot!
And you’re not limited to people, or the golden hour. Try our silhouette tutorial.
Related: How to Take Silhouette Photos

Morvern Shaw
If you’re ready for the next steps in your photography, to level up your creative artistry, develop the skills to shoot with confidence in any scenario, and discover your style… our next Advanced Photography Course is coming in September 2022! Click HERE to get more info and reserve your spot!
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