Have you ever dreamed about making a career change to something more creative, and more family friendly in terms of its flexibility? It might seem like a pie in the sky dream… but Linda Delnooz’s story shows all you need is to make the decision, get some support, and take the steps.
In 2013 Linda Delnooz, her husband and two gorgeous girls aged 10 and 11, fell in love with Australia whilst on holidays… in fact they loved it so much they took a big exciting step and emigrated from the Netherlands!
Back home she had worked as a mental health nurse, however after emigrating Linda decided to step away from the profession and try something new. So she started exploring photography and it lit a fire to pursue a creative career… read on to learn how she made it happen!
The First Step
After we emigrated I wanted to make a career switch, doing something that I could really enjoy.
I loved photography, and I was always taking photos every day. So I bought a DSLR camera, and decided to study photography. I tried to learn manual mode by watching YouTube videos, however none of it really made sense to me.
So I decided to do a course instead and soon found Click Love Grow. I joined in their free 5 day Mini Photography Course, and this opened my heart for photography even more… I loved every second of it.
I loved it so much that I enrolled myself in the Enthusiast course, and much to my surprise I won the 5 day challenge and a free spot on the course. I saw that as a sign!
Learning with Click Love Grow
I’m so happy I chose Click Love Grow to learn, but I loved so many things about this course that it’s hard to narrow it down!
After completing the course manual mode became so much clearer.
The lessons were really interesting too. Every week we got a new lesson and a challenge designed to get you picking up your camera and shooting in manual mode, and that was so much fun.
I loved that the lessons come in both pdf and video format, to appeal to different ways of learning. I am a very visual learner so for me the videos were the perfect format to help me understand the concepts.
The course totally exceeded my expectations! I learnt so much, and my photos are so much better… I wish I had started sooner!
I would definitely recommend the Enthusiast course, it’s perfect if you want to learn to control your DSLR and take really arty photos.
From Snapshots to Art!
I’m so happy that I learned to shoot in manual mode, as it has made such a big difference in my photos. I love to shoot wide open to create blurry backgrounds, and create my own art. I also loved learning how to be more creative with light.
I’m thrilled that I’m able to take beautiful photos of my daughters now, and the course inspired me so much that I am now doing the Advanced Photography Course. I came away from it even more passionate about photography and determined to chase my dream.
A Big Confidence Boost!
I’d always had a little voice of doubt in my head trying to talk me out of my goals.
But when I was doing this course, the inspiration and support from the instructors and fellow students silenced that voice.
The instructors are really honest but also very positive in the way they deliver their feedback on your images. They helped me feel more secure and confident, and I felt the passion growing! It made me feel I could do it, that I had nothing to lose and I knew I would start my business and go for it!
The Next Step
I spent several months practicing all genres of portrait photography and building a portfolio, and once I graduated from the Advanced Photography Course, I felt confident enough to start charging. So I created a website and launched my family portrait business Linda Delnooz Photography.
Since I began shooting professionally, I discover I especially enjoy Fresh 48s and lifestyle newborn sessions, as I love to capture those meaningful moments. My next goal is to offer birth photography, so I’m now working on a birth portfolio.
It brings me so much joy that I know I am on the right track with my plan to make it a career.
Before & After
A before and after is the best way to show what the course will do for your photography… check out Linda’s beautiful, light filled portrait, a HUGE leap from the underexposed and busy (albeit very cute) shot of her girls that she took before the Enthusiast Course.
Before Enthusiast Photography Course
After Enthusiast Photography Course
Much love to Linda for sharing your story and gorgeous images with us!
If you’re ready to master your DSLR and finally start taking photos you LOVE, join our Enthusiast Photography Course and we’ll show you how. Jump on the wait list for our next course… we’re starting again soon!
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