The Advanced Photography Course is our popular next level program which we only run twice a year. And with our next intake opening on 15th September (Australia EST) we’ve been celebrating our past students and sharing their stories and incredible achievements.
So I’m excited to share “Through Her Lens” – an online series of photography conversations which ran over 4 days from 12th September and hosted a line up of talent including Laurinda Armstrong, Amy Holcombe, Dana Whitley and Melis Fialho.
This series is a perfect way for anyone who’s thinking about doing the course, or ready for the next steps in their photography and not sure what to do next, to see first hand how it can transform your photography (and your life!). And at the very least, you’ll come away with some really insightful tips you can apply to your own photos!
Day #1 – Photography as Therapy with Laurinda Armstrong
Watch the replay here…

Day #2 – Dream Jobs in Photography with Amy Holcombe
Watch the replay here…

Day #3 – Bringing Your Vision to Live with Dana Whitley
Watch the replay here…

Day #4: Finding Your Photographic Style with Melis Fiahlo
Watch the replay here…

If you’re already shooting in manual mode, on our Advanced Photography Course is the next steps. You will learn to shoot with confidence in any scenario, and push yourself creatively to find and develop your style through intensive 1:1 critique on your work. Our next course is starting on 27th September and it’s ON SALE NOW!! Click HERE to join!
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