Hi. My name is Marnie Martil and I live in a little country town called Dalby, in Queensland Australia. When I first moved here I hated it because there are no mountains, hills or much greenery anywhere to be seen. It was dry and flat and dusty.

Since moving here 4 years ago I have made amazing friendships and seen beauty where I thought there was none. Anyway onto why I am writing and please excuse the lack of writing skills, it is not a strength of mine but I wanted to encourage all you women out there who have been looking at doing Click Love Grow Advanced Course and are unsure or wondering if its for you. Yes, take the leap.
For me it was a massive leap. First I do not really get very much me time, I have 4 beautiful children who need a lot of my time and then my husband works two jobs to keep us going as I am a stay at home mum. My husband is a great man but leaving him at home with four kids while I have some time to myself is not really an option if I want to come home to every one still being alive (half joking). This therefore does not really allow me to get out much by myself so if I want to do Photography you will see me out and about with my big camera bag and my four children. Some days it is fun and laughter and other days there are fights and tears (from all of us), and then there was the time when my baby was sitting in the car at feed time with two of his siblings who are trying to distract him but getting a headache from his screaming, and being bitten by giant mosquitos while I have the other child out in a field of wheat while the sun is setting just to get the shot I had been planning for one of our assessment pieces and it was the second time we were out trying to get the right shot so I was not leaving without the photo. It was one of my most favourite photos of him and he wants to put it up on a canvas in his room.

The second leap, I had been wanting to do a photography course for about two years but on one income, four kids and a mortgage it does not really leave much me money so I saved and saved and saved. I thought I will never get enough money together to be able to do a course and then one of my beautiful friends who had just done the enthusiast course told me about Click Love Grow and how great and affordable it was. I got enough money together and purchased my spot in the next advanced course and as a bonus my friend was also doing it which helped me say YES, FOR ME!
It was the best ME decision I have made. I, like most of you mums always put everyone else’s needs first (its just what you do) and I finally realised it was ok to want something for me.

I was so so nervous before starting the course as I was self taught before this and as I had not done the enthusiast course I had no idea if I would have enough knowledge to jump in the deep end or if I would be able to do it at all. The first week was full of nerves and anxiety, about what if I wasn’t good enough or what if I did it wrong. I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of the whole course. This course is set for all levels and all different strengths, whether it is in portraits, landscape, macro, food, or just your own family that you want to capture the best you can. The biggest thing was the support I receive from Louise and Pam and also the ladies doing the course were like angels and inspirational, who both encouraged and directed me when needed.
As I said I was self taught before this and felt I had a handle on my camera but the thing I was most looking forward to was the lighting area. Every area of lighting I wanted to grasp and understand more as I felt I did not have a handle on how to use lighting to make my photos stand out. I learnt about back lighting, soft lighting, harsh lighting, broad lighting, short lighting, warm glow, silhouette, off camera flash, reflectors. I was always aware of how important lighting was but often didn’t really understand where or how to get the lighting or how to set it up to get what I wanted.

I can now say that I feel so much more confident in knowing where I want the light to come from or how I want the light to fall. I look for the light first and then set up my subjects there. I am a portrait photographer and even though I did try other subjects and tried landscape I now know my strengths and am happy with them, but in saying that the landscape photography has me wanting to master it one day.
I want to just encourage all you ladies who have wanted to take the next step in your photography journey but are a little scared or just don’t put your wants out there, take the leap. It is well worth it. I am so glad I said it was ok to do something for me and have grown so much from it. My dream of becoming a photographer is now closer and my confidence which is what I lacked is so much stronger.

You will learn so much and Louise and Pam are the most amazing and generous ladies, both of what they offer through the course and what they give of themselves. It has becomes a family that I can rely on for support and direction as I continue to grow.
Click Love Grow thank you so much.
Marnie x
Are you ready to take your photos to the next level? Join our next Advanced Course!
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